Selected Photos of Recent Archaeological Sites:

I visited Athens in November 2014:

Aiolou street excavations            Hadrian's Library & early churches      Roman agora (forum)

Odeion (theatre) of Herodes Attica; Propylia & Agrippa monument; Propylia (gateway) columns

Erecthaeion                                     Caryatids supporting pediment    Areopagus where St Paul preached

Theatre of Dyonisos                       Parthenon from north-east           Temple of Zeus & Hadrians Gate

 Grave monuments in Kerameikos;     Hephaestion across Agora from Stoa;    Entering Hephaestion

Hadrians Library & early Basilicas. Marathon: Bronze Age Tomb;  Sanctuary of Egyptian Gods

Archeological Museum: Bronze Boy on a Horse ; Gold Mask of Agamemnon;   Minoan fresco: Boxing Boys

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Neolithic and Bronze Age Lake Settlement on Lago di Ledro (Sept 2012):

The 'Palafitte' village at Molina, excavated & restored 1929 t0 2004,                                                  Reconstructed Neolithic house interior               now a major prehistoric European settlement site                                                                                    using artifacts found on site               

Platform houses reconstructed on known designs (cf Llangorse Lake);  Twin ox-plough found on site, made of wood, bone and antler

Paphos (Cyprus), May 2011:

                              Me in Neolithic 'Tombs of the Kings' St Paul's Pillar in the Forum, where he was tied and whipped

                                                                       Neolithic Round Houses at Lemba;  Margaret dwarfed by Paphos' ancient catacombs

Side and Aspendos (Southern Turkey), Oct 2011:

  Colonnaded shop fronts looking west from Nymphaeum and West Gate  

    Temple of Athena, overlooking columns of the Temple of Apollo and the port                                                                                                             

Side's Roman Theatre, with East Gate and sea beyond;   Nymphaeum with newly re-erected columns

                                                                                            Early Episcopal Palace and Town Walls from Necropolis                                           

Aspendos:                                                                                                      Original seating in auditorium, and decorated Orchestra and Skena

  Road to East Gate, with paving and drainage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Basilica, Agora and South Gate from Theatre Hill